Debbie's success formula for radiant eyes

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With young children and a busy life, Debbie often has short nights that result in under-eye bags and a tired look. Read here how she creates her radiant eyes.

Meet Debbie

Debbie is an enthusiastic woman and a proud mother of three children. At 42, she has a demanding job, young children and a busy social life, so she never sits still. She says she has started to notice wrinkles and bags under her eyes. She likes to eliminate these by applying the right products. Read Debbie's success formula for radiant, youthful skin here.

How did you find out about Remescar?

"I discovered Remescar Eye Bags and Dark Circles a long time ago in a video on social media. When I saw the results in the video, I was thrilled and thought: I need to try that! I ordered the product and couldn't wait to try it."

What was your first impression when you used Remescar Eye Bags & Dark Circles?

"I was truly surprised and couldn't believe that a cream from a tube could have such amazing results. But when I tried it myself, I saw with my own eyes that my under-eye bags reduced straight away."

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Curious to try? Try Remescar Eye Bags & Dark Circles now

I couldn't believe a cream from a tube would reduce my under-eye bags straight away.

How do you experience the cream's use?

"I find the cream really easy to use. The packaging clearly shows how to achieve the best results with the cream. My tips? You only need a small amount of cream – the size of a grain of rice for each eye is enough. Simply warm up the cream between your index fingers and apply it with a tapping motion from the inside out. Not warming the cream or rubbing it across your skin can cause a type of white film, which you obviously don't want."

When do you use the instant cream?

"I actually use the cream sporadically when I've had a bad night's sleep with the kids, after a late night with friends, or when I'm going to a party and want a fresh look. It's so convenient that you can apply the cream in the morning and touch it up during the day if you're going somewhere else. That really adds value for me!"

I only use the cream when I really need it. The big advantage is that it has instant results. It's truly unique!

Do you sometimes combine the cream with make-up?

"Definitely! I use make-up every day and this instant cream against under-eye bags is a great addition. I always start with my face care products, then I apply my foundation and concealer, and as a final step, I apply a thin layer of Remescar Under-Eye Bags & Dark Circles. It works a treat!"

The instant cream against under-eye bags can be combined perfectly with make-up. They reinforce each other's effect and my eyes are radiant.

You also use other facial care products. What's your skincare routine like?

"I care about healthy skin and stick to my regular skincare routine every day. I cleanse my skin with micellar water in the morning and at night. Then I use the hyaluronic acid serum and as a final step, I apply a day or night cream to hydrate my skin. I've noticed a real difference since I started using Remescar products: my skin is firmer, stronger and smoother. My blemishes have reduced significantly. I can recommend it to everyone."

Do you have anything else to say to our readers?

"It's normal for our skin to change as we age, and that really doesn't matter. Using the right products will give you that little bit of extra confidence we all need sometimes. I'm very happy to have discovered the instant cream against under-eye bags: I feel more confident and can always apply the cream at the last minute because it has instant results!"

Use the same products as Debbie for radiant eye contours

Remescar stands for Instant Corrective Skincare. The instant products of Remescar reduce eye bags and dark circles, diminish wrinkles and crow's feet, lift sagging eyelids and minimize open pores. The routine products of Remescar are maximizing the results of the instant products and give a healthy and glowing skin on a long term.

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