Does Remescar Stretch Marks really work? How long does it take to notice the difference?

The treatment efficacy depends on the severity of the tear of the inner layers of the skin, therefore we advise to continue using the product as it might be that some stretch marks may need more time to heal.

Several clinical trials demonstrated Remescar Stretch Marks’ efficacy. There were several measuring points that were taking into account in the studies (one after 28 days and one after 56 days). One of these studies showed that 30% of the patients has a decrease in appearance of 50%.

Remescar bietet sofort sichtbare Hautpflegelösungen. Die Remescar-Sofortprodukte beseitigen Tränensäcke, reduzieren dunkle Augenringe, mindern Zornesfalten sowie Falten unter den Augen, heben Schlupflider an und verkleinern große Poren. Darüber hinaus eignen sich die Remescar Routineprodukte als tägliche Pflege zur Unterstützung der Sofortprodukte und für eine strahlende und gesunde Haut auf lange Sicht.

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