Remescar offers a product range of body care products to tackle specific imperfections.
Ingen resultater fundet
Dette produkt er en del af vores 4-trins ochend-rutine
Dette produkt er en del af vores 4-trins aftenrutine
4 Decrease of spider veins appearance in a star (red spectrum) value performed in a clinical test during 3 months.5 Based on the reduction of the depth of the crow’s feet by means of biometric measurements after a single application. (Blinded, placebo-controlled clinical evaluation of the reduction of crow’s feet)
6 Roughness reduction of the scar after 8 weeks of treatment.
7 Improvement of the spider veins appearance due to a change of the biometrical a*value after one application.
9 The most frequent score, based on the global evolution of the panel according to a clinical 4-point scoring assessment of number, size and colour.
Remescar instant-produkter reducerer øjeblikkeligt poser under øjnene, mørke rander, rynker og løfter hængende øjenlåg. Remescar rutineprodukter er velegnede som daglig pleje og som støtte til instant-produkterne for at sikre en strålende og sund hud på kort og lang sigt.
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