Das Produkt darf nicht länger als 4 Wochen am Stück verwendet werden. Nach einer Pause von 1 bis 2 Tagen kann die Anwendung fortgesetzt werden.
Jeder Mensch ist anders, daher kann die Wirkung des Produktes unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägt sein. Mit Make-up hält die Wirkung im Durchschnitt 8-10 Stunden an. Ohne Make-up kann die Wirkung länger sein.
You should aim for the size of a grain of rice. Any less will not be enough and any more is generally too much. The product won’t fully absorb into the skin or could cause sensitivity. This is one of the key factors to make Remescar Eye Bags & Dark Circles work correctly.
If you want to wear make-up, first apply Remescar Eye Bags & Dark Circles, let it dry and then put on your make-up. Please note that oil-based make-up may reduce the effectiveness of the product.
Remescar Eye Bags & Dark Circles has not been tested on animals.
Das Produkt eignet sich für alle Hauttypen. Bei Reizungen der Haut (Rötungen, Schmerzen, etc.) brechen Sie die Behandlung ab. Falls die Symptome länger als 48 Stunden bestehen, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt.
Yes but it's recommended to use sun protection products (no alcohol) in combination with Remescar Eye Bags & Dark Circles when you are exposed to intensive sunlight.
Cleanse applied area with water and pat dry.
Applying too much gel can cause irritations. If so, discontinue the use.
If a white, powdery residue appears in the area of application, this could indicate the following:
Too much product was applied
You have extremely dry skin (first moisturize then apply the product)
Yes. First, apply your usual products (eye serum, daily moisturizer, etc.) and allow time for these products to penetrate the layers of your skin (a minute or two). Then you can apply a very thin layer of Remescar Eye Bags & Dark Circles to the targeted area as instructed.
No, Remescar Eye Bags & Dark Circles is non-comedogenic and does not block the pores of the skin.
No, Remescar Eye Bags & Dark Circles does not cause additional dryness to the skin. However, moisturizing the skin area a few minutes prior treatment, will help the product work more efficiently.
Yes, but use the product in accordance with the instructions for use and if irritations occur discontinue the use.
Yes, everyone’s skin is different, but the product works for all skin types.
Yes, but use the product in accordance with the instructions for use and avoid contact with the eyes. Rinse thoroughly with water in the event of contact with the eyes.
Remescar Eye Bags & Dark Circles is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Remescar Tränensäcke & Augenringe ist nicht toxisch und basiert auf natürlich hergestellten Aminosäuren.